Competition initiated by CAREDs and IAI West Java titled Disaster Evacuation Shelter Competition. The aim is to get a smart and adaptive technology conceptual Evacuation shelter design for the disaster context in Indonesia.

Djehovan designed C.A.M.P. (Compact, Agile, Multipurpose, Priority). CAMP is a disaster evacuation shelter that is designed to be able to quickly respond to disasters (arrival time at disaster sites), Effective (made based on diverse user needs.

Compact: has an ergonomic design, efficient and concise.

Agile: Being able to adapt quickly in various fields and every part of this disaster shelter can be made substitute products with materials in the disaster area.

Multipurpose: Has a variety of functions that can be adapted to the conditions and needs of its users.

Priority: Prioritizing user experience (user experience) and post-disaster security.



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